Employment and Internship Opportunities
- Ability Jobs is a job posting site for individuals with disabilities who seek employment.
- Entrypoint is a program for recruiting students with disabilities for STEM and business internships.
- National Business and Disability Council offers an emerging leaders internship program and job listings.
- U.S. Office of Personnel Management outlines information for federal employment opportunities for those with disabilities.
- The Washington Center is a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships and internship opportunities to students with disabilities to work in Washington, D.C.
- The Workforce Recruitment Program is maintained by the Department of Labor. It assists in recruiting and referring college graduates with disabilities for temporary or permanent employment.
Organization and Information Resource Links
- McBurney Resource Center at UW–Madison supports students with disabilities through a variety of services and features extensive career preparation information on its website.
- ADA Wisconsin Partnership includes resources about the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Advocates for Diverse Abilities is a student organization at UW–Madison that supports those with disabilities and advocates for disability rights.
- A Guide For People With Disabilities Seeking Employment is a document outlining how the Americans with Disabilities Act affects job seeking.
- Disability.gov is a federal government website that features a variety of resources and information concerning programs and policies affecting those with disabilities.
- Job Accommodation Network provides confidential and free advice about employment concerns and workplace accommodations for those with disabilities.