Faculty & Staff

The mutual goal of the School of Education’s faculty, staff, and the Career Center team is student success. By working together, faculty, staff, and the Career Center can facilitate the career and professional development of students to ensure that they make informed career decisions. The Career Center career advisors are always eager to pursue new ways to reach students, and are happy to collaborate with you on ideas for programs or class presentations. Employers are also often interested in meeting with faculty members to learn more about current fields of study and to discuss trends and needs in the workplace. Please let the Career Center know if you’re interested in meeting with employers.

Help Your Students Reach Their Career Goals

Refer students for career assistance. Students can schedule an appointment by using Starfish or calling 608-262-1651. Career advisors are available to assist students in exploring their career options, gaining experience in their chosen fields, creating job search strategies, preparing for graduate school, polishing their self-marketing tools and interviewing skills, as well as connecting to employers and school systems.

Request a presentationArrange for a class presentation about the Career Center’s services, as well as on a broad range of topics including résumés and cover letters, job search strategies, and networking and interviewing strategies.

Create career development assignments. Use the assignment request form to communicate with the Career Center about incorporating career-focused assignments into your syllabus such as writing a résumé, conducting an informational interview, or scheduling a mock interview.

Announce upcoming events. Keep students up-to-date by sharing valuable job search and workshop opportunities that are available throughout the year. Visit the Fairs and Events page for specific details. Like our Facebook page: UW–Madison SoE Career Center, follow our Instagram account, and join our LinkedIn group for other current information and event promotion.

On-Campus Interviews, Career Fairs, and Workshops. The Career Center hosts on-campus interviews and collaborates with all of the teacher education programs in Wisconsin to sponsor the Wisconsin Education Recruitment Fair (WERF).  The Career Center also collaborates with other career offices on campus to provide access to all-campus fairs for students. Visit the Fairs and Events page for information about scheduled events. Handshake is the UW–Madison online student and alumni job posting site. Individuals can sign up for Career Center events on Handshake. It also serves as a employer registration site for career fairs.

Resources You Can Use

UW–Madison Recruiting Policies This document outlines the policies and expectations that regulate employers’ recruitment activities on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus. In addition to the policies approved by the campus community, each career services unit may have additional recruiting policies. Recruiters should consult appropriate career services units for additional details.
Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring Faculty are often asked for letters of recommendation, job leads, or to supervise internships.  While these are invaluable and greatly appreciated services you can provide to students, each of these situations has the potential for legal problems if you don’t know the rules.
Writing References Faculty are often asked for letters of recommendation. While this is an invaluable and greatly appreciated service, the request has potential for legal issues if you do not know the rules.
Can a Career Center Prescreen Candidates for an Employer? Faculty are often asked to prescreen candidates and provide a list or resumes of the top individuals.  However, prescreening and referring candidates has legal considerations.
Career Readiness Defined NACE has identified and defined career readiness including eight competencies for the new college graduate.
Skills and Qualities Employers Seek Information to consider using in presentations to and sharing with students.