Career Resources for Veterans

Employment and Internship Opportunities

  • Corporate Gray lists job postings for veterans from companies around the country.
  • G.I. Jobs showcases job listings as well as articles and resources about transitioning out of the military.
  • Recruit Military has a free job board for veterans.
  • VA Jobs is a site from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs that links to multiple job posting sites for veterans.
  • lists career fairs around the country for military personnel and veterans.

Organization and Information Resource Links

  • Veteran Services and Military Assistance Center provides information and services to UW-Madison veterans.
  • American Corporate Partners offers a year-long mentorship program connecting veterans to professionals in the corporate world.
  • My Next Move for Veterans features information about exploring a variety of careers and is sponsored by the Department of Labor.
  • Troops to Teachers is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense that assists veterans in starting a teaching career.
  • The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) program, which provides job readiness assistance, and the Transition Assistance program which acclimates eligible veterans to civilian employment.
  • Veterans ReEmployment is part of CareerOneStop; it matches military and civilian jobs skills with their occupation translator tool and features resources about transitioning to a civilian career.